Runewars Wiki

Threat represents a unit’s combat potency. A unit’s threat is used when performing an attack and is determined by the type of attack being performed:

  • When performing a melee attack, a unit’s threat is equal to the number of trays that comprise the contacted edge.
    • If the attacker has multiple contacted edges with the defender, the attacker chooses which contacted edge to use.
    • If the attacker has a partial rank, threat is calculated according to its contacted edge, as follows:
      • Side Edge: If the defender is not touching a tray in the attacker’s partial rank, the attacker’s threat is equal to the total number of its full ranks. Otherwise, the attacker’s threat for that edge is equal to the total number of its ranks (including the partial rank).
      • Rear Edge: If the defender is only touching trays from the partial rank, the attacker’s threat for that edge is equal to the number of trays in the partial rank. Otherwise, the attacker’s threat for that edge is equal to the number of trays in its front rank.
  • When performing a ranged attack, a unit’s threat is equal to the number of trays that comprise its front edge.
  • When a unit is performing an attack, for each {Hit} icon an attacker spends, the defender suffers an amount of damage equal to the attacker’s threat.


  • Threat1
    How is a unit’s threat calculated when it performs a melee attack along its contacted side edge and that unit has a partial rank?

    If no trays from the partial rank are touching the defender, the trays of that rank are not counted as part of the contacted edge.

    Example: The Reanimates have a partial rank and are flanked on their left edge by the Spearmen. When the Reanimates perform a melee attack action, their threat is equal to one.

  • Treat2
    How is a unit’s threat calculated when it performs a melee attack along its contacted rear edge and that unit has a partial rank?

    If the only trays touching the defender are from the partial rank, only the trays of that rank are counted as part of the contacted edge.

    ​​​​​​​Example: The Reanimates have a partial rank and are flanked on their rear edge by the Spearmen. When the Reanimates perform a melee attack action, their threat is equal to one.

  • Threat3
    How is a unit’s threat calculated when it performs a melee attack and has two contacted edges and a partial rank?

    ​​​​​​​The attacker chooses which contacted edge to use. If the attacker chooses to attack along the contacted side edge and the defender is touching a tray in the partial rank, the threat is equal to the attacker’s total ranks (including the partial rank).

    ​​​​​​​If the attacker chooses to attack along the contacted rear edge and the defender is touching trays that are not are not in the partial rank, the threat is equal to the number of trays in the attacker’s front rank.

    ​​​​​​​Example: The Reanimates have a partial rank and are flanked on two contacted edges by the Spearmen. When the Reanimates perform a melee attack action along their side edge the unit’s threat is equal to its total ranks and is two.

    When the Reanimates perform a melee attack action along their rear edge, the unit’s threat is equal to the trays in its front rank, so the unit’s threat is two.