Runewars Miniatures Game uses custom dice to resolve combat. There are three types of dice: red, blue, and white. Each die has a different combination of symbols corresponding to its color. Red dice tend to deal more damage but have a greater chance of missing. Blue dice deal less damage but have a greater chance to roll surge results. White dice are powerful dice used primarily by heroes.
Available From[]
Die Symbols[]
Hit - Hits can be spent by the attacker to deal damage and possibly inflict wounds. This is the fundamental way for you to destroy enemy units.
Surge - Surges are used to trigger special abilities. These special abilities may be found on your unit card or an upgrade card attached to your unit.
Mortal Strike - A mortal strike deals one wound to your target, regardless of that unit’s defense. This powerful symbol is only found on the white dice wielded by the mightiest warriors.
Morale - At the end of the attack, you can spend morale symbols to inflict a morale test on the defender.
Accuracy - The accuracy result lets you target a specific figure in the enemy unit, perhaps forcing your opponent to deal wounds to a commander, rather than a simple foot soldier.
Blank - It has no effect.
Die Faces[]
Red Die (8 side)[]
- 2 x blank (25% chance)
- 2 x hit (25% chance)
- 1 x morale (12.5% chance)
- 1 x hit-hit (12.5% chance)
- 1 x hit-morale (12.5% chance)
- 1 x hit-surge (12.5% chance)
Blue Die (8 side)[]
- 1 x blank (12.5% chance)
- 2 x hit (25% chance)
- 1 x surge (12.5% chance)
- 1 x accuracy (12.5% chance)
- 1 x hit-surge (12.5% chance)
- 1 x hit-accuracy (12.5% chance)
- 1 x surge-surge (12.5% chance)
White Die (12 side)[]
- 1 x blank (8.3% chance)
- 1 x mortal strike (8.3% chance)
- 3 x hit (25% chance)
- 1 x hit-hit (8.3% chance)
- 2 x hit-surge (16.7% chance)
- 1 x hit-accuracy (8.3% chance)
- 1 x hit-morale (8.3% chance)
- 1 x surge-surge (8.3% chance)
- 1 x surge-morale (8.3% chance)
dice | blank | any hit | avarage
damage |
any surge | morale | accuracy | mortal
strike |
red | 25% | 62.5% | 0.75 | 12.5% | 25% | 0 | 0 |
blue | 12.5% | 50% | 0.5 | 37.5% | 0 | 25% | 0 |
white | 8.3% | 75% | 0.83 | 33.3% | 16.7% | 8.3% | 8.3% |